Responses from yogiboy
Parasound Grabs a good Pair!!! I presume they grabbed the poor guy by his family jewels! OUCH! | |
Female vocalist recommendations @elliottbnewcombjr Great list! No Billie Holiday? | |
Thinking about getting some bookshelf/standmount speakers "What do you think of the Harbeth 30.2 XD ?" I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the M40. I am now using the Super HL5 Plus. IMO, it is the best Harbeth that I have owned. You can get them within your budget. These are priced real fair. Those stands s... | |
Looking for advise with selecting next integrated amp This Luxman should fit the bill! | |
Full range speakers, 40"-44" max height @gregm I never said that! The OP did! | |
Full range speakers, 40"-44" max height Why not list? 1. associated equipment 2. room size and the distance of your listening position from the speakers 3. music genre Wouldn’t that make more sense before asking for recommendations? | |
Question about Active Bi-amping "If you were to do Passive Bi-Amping, you would connect each amp directly to the speaker terminals but how would you connect the Amp Signal connections back to a pre-amp or Integrated since most are only have a a simple left and right output?" Yo... | |
Is Magnepan still in business ? Give a dealer a call to verify! Magnepan Dealers - USA Alabama Huntsville: AVIQ Arizona Tempe: LMC Home Entertainment Ltd California Anaheim: Scott Walker Audio Eureka: Northcoast Audio Grass Valley: GSKM Mus... | |
Sensitivity 86 v 90 " but (as I understand it) the gain from the phono preamp can be increased by switching the driver 12AU7 tubes for 12AX7’s, if necessary." Did the manufacturer of that preamp tell you that? If not you should find out if you can swap to a higher g... | |
Did the Old Receivers Sound Good? I still use the Advent 300 receiver ( 15 watts) with vintage Boston Acoustics speakers in my den system and no complaints. Is it high end? No! But it sounds pretty damn good! | |
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time Another great documentary about Bluegrass! I love Bluegrass music! Big Family Official Trailer | Big Family: The Story of Bluegrass Music | KET - Bing video | |
Opinion: Modern country is the worst musical genre of all time Great documentary about country music! Watch Country Music | A Film by Ken Burns | PBS | |
Sensitivity 86 v 90 What phono preamp and cartridge are you using? That’s where the problem lies! | |
Turntable channel imbalance @mijostyn I beg to differ! Anti-skate is so important not just because of this balance in force, but because of the resulting effects it has. Maintaining channel balance is a key factor. Unchecked, record skate would pull the stylus inwards (to... | |
Which preamps use 6922/6DJ8 tubes? I’ve owned this Quicksilver. Nice preamp. It does have a high gain of 18db if that's okay with you! http://quicksilveraudio.com/products/rc-line-stage-preamp/ |