Responses from yogiboy
Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k @nickamland I was using Pangea . I have them listed here for sale if you want to take a look. My HL5s came with TonTrager stands. I got a real good deal on the HL5s with the stands included! BTW, another nice speaker that would be a good fit is ... | |
Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k I’ve owned many Harbeths and I am familiar with the brand. The P3ESR is a perfect fit for your size room. I have owned the 30.1. I just sold a pair of P3ESRs and replaced them with the larger Super HL Plus. There are plenty listings for used P3’s!... | |
Large mid/bass, soft-dome tweeter, high(ish) sensitivity This Vandersteen 1C should fit the bill! Vandersteen Model 1Ci+ | Vandersteen Audio | |
Good (great?) cartridges with user replaceable styli Goldring! | |
Anyone selling a pair of Mcintosh LS360 speakers? Check this place! Audio Classics - XLS360 | |
Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k +1@lak For your size room the P3 would be my recommendation. I’ve owned many of them them!! | |
Warm and accurate bookshelves that can handle volume I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the M40. I am now using the Super HL5 Plus and would have to say it's my favorite in the Harbeth line ! | |
VdH cartridge on heavier tonearm Here ya go! Do the math! http://www.mh-audio.nl/Calculators/RF.html | |
Best turntable under $4000 Save yourself 2 grand . My friend has the Technics SL-1210GR and it is real nice. With the savings you can get a real nice cartridge to go with it! | |
Hey, I'm looking for the highest quality recordings from the following Artists: This Chet Baker LP is outstanding! Acoustic Sounds And this Billie Holiday gem! | |
can you please help me around how to use my first tube amp? Make sure the speakers are connected . Just in case you didn't know that! | |
Bose 901 series with and ipod. Page nine in owners manual. Record out to record in. | |
Bookshelf speakers that pair well with Decware ZMA "I’d love to try Harbeth at some point but have heard they are better with high powered solid-state amps so I guess that’ll be another system and another time." I beg to differ. I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the M40 and they are all outstanding ... | |
Systemdek cartridge recommendations Any Grado would be a good match with the 12 gram mass Profile arm! Grado Labs - Cartridges | |
My 30 Watt class A is louder than my 100 Watt Class AB? It’s the gain difference and input sensitivity difference of the two amps! |