

Responses from yogiboy

Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k
@nickamland I was using Pangea . I have them listed here for sale if you want to take a look. My HL5s came with TonTrager stands. I got a real good deal on the HL5s with the stands included! BTW, another nice speaker that would be a good fit is ... 
Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k
I’ve owned many Harbeths and I am familiar with the brand. The P3ESR is a perfect fit for your size room. I have owned the 30.1. I just sold a pair of P3ESRs and replaced them with the larger Super HL Plus. There are plenty listings for used P3’s!... 
Large mid/bass, soft-dome tweeter, high(ish) sensitivity
This Vandersteen 1C should fit the bill!  Vandersteen Model 1Ci+ | Vandersteen Audio  
Good (great?) cartridges with user replaceable styli
Anyone selling a pair of Mcintosh LS360 speakers?
Check this place!  Audio Classics - XLS360  
Great Small Room Speakers for $3-5k
+1@lak For your size room the P3 would be my recommendation. I’ve owned many of them them!!    
Warm and accurate bookshelves that can handle volume
I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the M40. I am now using the Super HL5 Plus and would have to say it's my favorite in the Harbeth line !  
VdH cartridge on heavier tonearm
Here ya go! Do the math! http://www.mh-audio.nl/Calculators/RF.html  
Best turntable under $4000
Save yourself 2 grand . My friend has the Technics SL-1210GR and it is real nice. With the savings you can get a real nice cartridge to go with it!    
Hey, I'm looking for the highest quality recordings from the following Artists:
This Chet Baker LP is outstanding! Acoustic Sounds And this Billie Holiday gem!    
can you please help me around how to use my first tube amp?
Make sure the speakers are connected . Just in case you didn't know that!  
Bose 901 series with and ipod.
Page nine in owners manual. Record out to record in.    
Bookshelf speakers that pair well with Decware ZMA
"I’d love to try Harbeth at some point but have heard they are better with high powered solid-state amps so I guess that’ll be another system and another time." I beg to differ. I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the M40 and they are all outstanding ... 
Systemdek cartridge recommendations
Any Grado would be a good match with the 12 gram mass Profile arm! Grado Labs - Cartridges  
My 30 Watt class A is louder than my 100 Watt Class AB?
It’s the gain difference and input sensitivity difference of the two amps!