Responses from yoyoyaya
What if a high end speaker measures really badly? @erik_squires - that's a very ragged frequency response graph. I don't think speakers have to measure perfectly to sound good - Wilson Audio speakers are not textbook. But there's a difference between small deviations and big ones. | |
How does speaker placement affect the width of the soundstage? In addition to/in conjunction with speaker placement, the acoustics of the room have a major influence on soundstage. | |
Music first or sound first? I'm a musician and songwriter, so music without question. That said, I'm heavily involved in domestic and pro audio. However, I can listen to music without a hi-fi system but I can't listen to my hi-fi system without music. So, QED, music is mo... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? @facten - No! | |
Records not stored vertically for decades @Soix - The records may be noisier and or skippy because the lower ones will have quite a bit of pressure on them so any surface contaminants are going to be well pressed into the grooves. If 150 records is the totality of your collection, I woul... | |
If you have a nice system why do you really need room treatments? @Emergingsoul, I am sorry to hear about your condition. That said, you could publish details of your system in a post on this thread. I’m sure it will require a word count less than many of your posts. As regards the substance of your post, ac... | |
RIP Paul Messenger Sad to hear. RIP Paul Messenger. One of the old school of sensible hi-fi journalists. | |
Resolving Hum with Battery Back-up (EcoFlow) vs Power Conditioners: success vs failure @OP. Reducing this to it's simplest, there is something related your mains power that the tube half of your McIntosh amps don't like. In general valve (tube) amps are more susceptible to hum issues. The fact that modern tubes are generally less w... | |
In-Room responce measurement with Legacy Focus SE speakers @amtprod - if I wasn't on the other side of the Atlantic, I'd come over and do it for you :)) As the old saying goes, big room, big problems. | |
In-Room responce measurement with Legacy Focus SE speakers @OP Nice place to record in with that reverb. Not so good for listening. | |
Qualities Of An End-game System The last time I shut my mind down was when the dentist filled me full of diazepam. Personally, I prefer to be conscious when I'm listening to music. | |
Turntable prices. Is my mind going? Posh Turntable Stress Syndrome :)) | |
Looking for 50-100 watts of Tube Power (give or take) for my JBL 4349s @rischa Thanks for your reply. If you specifically want tubes in your system, the pre might be a better place to locate them, particularly from a reliability perspective. As for integrated's - not sure how Copland are availability in the US, but t... | |
Looking for 50-100 watts of Tube Power (give or take) for my JBL 4349s @OP The pre amp is more important than the power amp in terms of sound quality, so you might be better to get that sorted first. It's better to proceed in the direction of the signal when choosing components. | |
Koetsu Why? - because the Suganos are deceased. |