

Responses from yoyoyaya

hearing loss and amp choices
arro222, there's a difference between having a frequency related notch and having a 20-25% hearing loss in the ear in question. Very many people encounter age related loss between 2 and 4KHz - it really depends on how severe it is. Also, what is t... 
Thoughts on the Linn LP12 turntable
I spent many hours in the 1980s setting up LP12s. Despite the quasi religious fervour surrounding them, I never liked the sound. Ironically, despite Linn going on about PRAT, the LP12 never sounded right temporally. And when a company introduces a... 
33rpm vs 45rpm - which is better
If people hadn't wanted the playing time offered by 33.3, 45rpm on 12 inch would have become the standard for sound quality.  
Full range speaker recommendation
Following johnto’s comment and responding to an earlier poster, there is absolutely no reason why a pair of Magnepans will not work in that room. Separately, (Saul Cohen), it’s not that the Watt/Puppies are difficult to place, but they require ve... 
Full range speaker recommendation
Sonus Faber Lumina Vs should work well in that space. If you want to keep a form factor similar to the ATCs, Spendor Classic 2/3s will be fuller sounding than the ATC's. Lastly, as a total alternative, it's worth giving consideration to Magnepan... 
Roon Nucleus as a Streamer
Roon is completely unnecessary if one just wants to listen to a few songs on Tidal or Qobuz. Roon has four main advantages. 1 it is a fabulous source of information on music and on the relationships between different musician and their recorded ou... 
I'm at the pearly gates and they tell me I can only bring in one jazz cd
I would turn around - I'm obviously at the wrong place.  
What are we objectivists missing?
Measurements have been getting better but they are still imperfect.  Aggregate measurements of complex systems (the whole) are not necessarily fully reflective of the parts. One can measure down to component level and see differences which don't n... 
Point of diminishing returns for a Network Streamers?
@abreryclark, if you like Roon I would stick with using a computer of some kind as your streamer.  
Volume Control Too Sensitive
+1 newbee @onehorsepony, regarding your post above, did you listen to the combination of pre and power before you purchased it? If so, was the mismatch between the two components not obvious at that point? Not being presumptive on the specifics ... 
Politics and Music
Al Stewart is outstanding when it comes to writing about politics/history. Personally, I prefer when the issue is approached more from an observational/narrative perspective than a didactic one.  
Soundstage and image height, does it exist?
Image height is a function of the reproduction chain, loudspeakers in particular. If it was simply a matter of saying that there is no vertical information encoded in stereo recordings then the resultant sound stage would be non existent in the ve... 
Streaming vs Physical Media
@bkeske, congratulations on your Audiolab transport purchase. CD still has a lot going for it and it takes significant work to better CD quality from a streaming system. While I am getting excellent results from high resolution streaming, I have n... 
Streaming vs Physical Media
Without a large existing CD collection, spending money on a transport is hard to justify. I do have the latter, but I have stopped buying CDs. I stream using Qobuz/Roon, and if I really like a recording, I buy it (in High Rez if possible). With th... 
What's the heaviest speaker you've ever owned? What's the tallest?
Wilson Maxx - 107kg each - 235lbs.