Responses from zaikesman
Review: Purist Dominus Interconnect Nrchy, I was gonna say that the most interesting question raised by your experience, was whether you think the improvement you heard from moving your rack out from between the speakers was due to removing the acoustic obstacle from the soundstage ... | |
Review: Magnepan MMG Speaker Nikkidanjo, it has been my experience (not as an owner, but as a former salesman at a Maggie dealer) that even smaller Maggies are very revealing of electronics quality, although I have to admit that I can't recall ever hooking up the MMGs themsel... | |
Review: Magnepan MMG Speaker Nice review job. What you heard largely coincides with my own opinion of these speakers, but I do have a few other comments.What you describe as amp clipping from your Bryston, in my experience would almost certainly be clipping from the planar pa... | |
Cost efficient phono preamp recommendation The Dynavector may have a suitable output allowing it to be used with the little wooden-cased Grado phono preamp, which runs off of a 9v battery, and whose sound is well-regarded (I haven't heard it myself). This is a simple-to-use unit, and the b... | |
Raising Speakers I also needed to raise my speakers (Thiel CS2.2's) in my previous listening room. For quite a while, I attempted to solve the problem by tilting the speakers as Twl suggests. However, whether actual or psychological, I became increasingly bothered... | |
Cost efficient phono preamp recommendation I've been very pleased with the Camelot Technologies Lancelot phono stage I bought based on Fremer's rave. I picked mine up here on A'gon for $550, and they are about $1,000 new. This is a physically small, all SS op-amp based dual-mono design, wi... | |
Listening Levels The levels at which I listen to my system don't concern me - it's my band practices, and live club shows (talking about audience side) that'll do me in! Seriously, I find that the room limits the maximum listenable volume level, by not supporting ... | |
Does anybody read reviews? Jadem6, I fear that you misapprehend the thrust of these reservations. Let me say right away (and as I have posted in the past about your contributions) that if all the work contributed to the A'gon reviews was as thorough, thoughtful, and well-wr... | |
Does anybody read reviews? I do think A'gon has indicated they are intending to do something like what you suggest in your last sentence. I too have mostly read reviews of equipment I either own or am interested in, but I think this is only natural. Also like you, I haven't... | |
Single box CD players with NO oversampling? Whoa, JC, maybe you should go back and reread my post - without reading so much *into* it! I made no "claims" and offered no "opinions", bad or good, about AN DACs' performance or their partnering characteristics with other gear (neither did I cla... | |
Manners, Eticks & Audiogon --- What do you think??? As a salesman myself, I agree with Ucmgr. "Rule #1: The customer is always right; Rule #2: If the customer is wrong, see Rule #1." All customers feel insecure, because they believe that they need or desire something, but know that they'll have to ... | |
Single box CD players with NO oversampling? Actually, I believe Audio Note is depending on the speakers and the listener's ears to accomplish the ultrasonic filtering, letting one's amplification fend for itself with an unfiltered signal from the DAC. | |
Speaker break in? Agree with the above about mechanical break-in for speakers (true of cartridges as well), not just electrical. I have heard this quite clearly when replacing drivers, not only in my hifi speakers, but also in guitar amps. I'm sure the internal cab... | |
Audiogon/Asylum and magazine reviewers posts I guess KR's suffering our ongoing biting at his ankles just proves my point, although I'll grant that maybe he doesn't take it badly - or give a hot damn. I submit that's part of the reason HE'S the reviewer in this exchange. | |
Audiogon/Asylum and magazine reviewers posts Trelja - I certainly agree with your point about the reasons for substandard writing quality often seen on A'gon, but feel that when it comes to the reviews in particular, this ought not to be an acceptable excuse. Thanks for including me on your ... |