

Discussions zavato has started

No playback from my MacBook Pro to Bricasti M1385124
2017 may be the year for a new cartridge for my LP1218075
Vinyl at Bed Bath and Beyond? Yes, for real!16466
Samsung buys Harman for $8B322225
Components I would have died for when I was a wee pup265629
Your first component that was "special"656291
Can an accepted offer be a lowball offer too?188925
Shorten my speaker cables?1216926
When and what was your last significant equipment upgrade?617067
Just entered the world of high resolution audio193819
Your single favorite component415858
Seems I'm really done!321321
Amplifier stand for a Pass X250.8?33678
Linn Krystal cartridge168973
Suggest a digital cable- 46806