Responses from zephyr24069
Tell us your worst audio dealer or mfr. experience. Pompous Ass | |
Phasing out of Compact Disc Vinyl has meet its demise? Don't think so....read an interesting statistic that over 73 MILLION records were pressed in 2014. Doesn't sound like a dead media platform to me, not mainstream, but certainly not dead; the quality of the pressings avai... | |
Greenville SC / Hendersonville-Asheville NC areas So I've heard..... | |
New Esoteric P02 D02 Haven't heard from Tom here in a few days guys...suspect he's got the P1 and D1s hooked up and is still in a state of shock and awe :-) !!!(Having a hard time resisting a Peter Schilling (or Bowie, take your pick) "Hello Major Tom...." musical ref... | |
Greenville SC / Hendersonville-Asheville NC areas Should be a lot of fun! The "Bump" to watch for will the low bass impact off the Aeris' !!! All kidding aside,...what happened to all those unfortunate people in Nepal is sad beyond words... | |
PurePowerAPS Canada concern Hifmaniac...I feel your pain. Sent you an in-mail with another PP horror story that I have personal experience with in detail. | |
Greenville SC / Hendersonville-Asheville NC areas Late June (3rd or 4th week works for me.....). Bump heard, felt and received :-) !!!! Let me get some hard dates nailed down. Should I assume weekends are better for everyone (since we probably all work to pay for this hobby and keep WAF to a maxi... | |
Which component video cable should I buy? The best component video cable I ever found and used extensively in 2 different HT systems was Audioquest's YIQ-5. They are outstanding; I had several and they were first rate. The ISF Engineer who did my video calibrations constantly praised them... | |
New Esoteric P02 D02 Those are high class problems and I'd give it about 5 years before Esoteric comes out with the next-generation of reasons for us all to agonize over upgrade choices :-)!!!! It was great to happen to be on phone with you while you were on your jour... | |
Isolation Transformers -- Equitech or Torus? Thanks everyone! Favorite/best models for Audiophiles (think sub-panel rated up to 125amps and whole-house panel 225-amp or better). | |
New Esoteric P02 D02 Good luck with that; those are high-class audio-fanatic problems to be certain! Have a great day Eelii08! | |
Esoteric K-01/K-03 Owners I got the files directly from Scott Sefton; I don't believe they have a download site. Send me an in-mail with some means of an getting me your off-Audiogon email and I'll forward the whole email thread that he sent to me....Alternatively, you can... | |
New Esoteric P02 D02 Eelii08: Congratuations! Hope you get your new units soon! Would love to hear what both you and Tom think of them once they are up and running! | |
Isolation Transformers -- Equitech or Torus? Thank you.....for an install where the i-transformer would be used to drive power to a 125amp sub-panel for listening room, which is the best model overall for us audio-nuts' concerns? | |
Esoteric P-02 / D-02 sound Update: Just heard from Esoteric that the driver update does NOT change the display of the unit itself, only the way the driver reports itself in MIDI Player, HRAudio/other programs that reflect the detailed info of what driver is being used for a... |