15,000 LP's - What to do with records?

Yes, 15,000.

This was acquired from a private collector - mostly (approximately 90%) have never been spun. Each with protective covers, each stored in proper indoor temperatures and style.

Going through now making a list, but not excited about selling one, two, three at a time.

You guys know any shops that would pay properly for such a huge lot?
Ag insider logo xs@2xporschecab
You are right. It's 8 years. I was thinking that when I wrote it and I still managed to divide by 2. Ouch! :^)
What gets me is: "(approximately 90%) have never been spun. Each with protective covers, each stored in proper indoor temperatures and style."

How old are they? Genres, labels, etc? If these are LP's that would sell for $10 each individually, then that's.....a lot of cabbage. Could be a good 2nd income, Of Course you might be 70 by the time you sold them all.
I may be wrong, but if you are located in the SF Bay Area, I can tell you that I talked to aomeone working the RecordMan's Parking lot sale. He said that he sold his collection, by the ton, to Rasputin's. He got something like $1200 for them(i.e., not a lot). I would not think the RecordMan would give you too much, but they now have a $5 store, so some of the more popular ones might get you more money. Half-Price Books might give you more, but probably couldn't handle the volume. Your best bet might be Audiogon or E-bay?
Amoeba Music would also buy good chunk, especially they are NOS jazz and classical, if you are in LA area or SF area, and probably pay a good chunk for it.
You can keep some select ones for yourself.

It is a good problem you got there.
And yeah, If you do it right, you might get a new 'porschecab' out of the sell ;-)