$1500 amp budget for Revels HT setup

I have a basement HT with F30s up front (6ohm) & a M20 for the center (also 6ohm). Rest of the speakers are two pairs of Infinity Primus 150s (8ohms).

A Marantz mid-fi AVR is powering them all now...i need a 3 channel or more dedicated amp to get the volume where i need it!

I cannot go above my budget and expecting to go used.
If you want brute power any B&K amp will work well. They sound pretty good too. The topology of their amps are all very similar. Pick channels needed and wattage desired. Resale is awful so you can pick up a lot of amp in the used market.

I love the Classe 75 and Proceed amp suggestions...i've been considering both as good mates.

I had a NAD 218THX amp (225x2) and it sounds terrible with the Revels.

Thinking the Classe and Proceed are good matches and should provide synergy.
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