As a young kid, I do remember owning some oddball novelty records (remember K-tel's "Looney Tunes" about the song 'Junk Food Junkie' by --?--)and comic book superhero story records. I did receive a very weird jolt of obtuse nostalgia while cleaning out the drawers of an old chest of drawers I had as a kid that I was reviving for storage purposes. In the bottom drawer was a seven-inch record which I, in a flood of subterranean memories, recalled listening to consantly as a six, seven or eight year old kid on my plastic Mattel fold up disc player. It was one of those promotional records that came in some magazine in the early 70's that I presumably absconded with since my dad was probably just going to throw it out. On it was an excerpt from Terry Riley's "Rainbow in Curved Air" a cut from Steve Reich, I think, and a few other rather seriously 'out' pieces from rather obscure avante garde musique concrete/minimalist composers (Luciano Berio or Xenakis may have been on there too). I vividly recalled one that used tape sliced african drums & chanting vocals with bombastic electronics and/or orchestral instruments of some sort. Serioiusly odd stuff for a young 'un to be jamming out to, and the distinct memories that came back to me of playing and listening to this long forgotten record as a child really threw my head for a bit of a loop actually. What my mom thought of these bizarre sounds emanating from beyond the door of her seven year old son I can only imagine. I suppose this could explain some of my current listening habits as well