2019 300B tubes that are worth the money?

OK, I'm not a super rich audiophile that has unlimited money to blow.  I have a pair of Cary 300 CAD300-SE monoblocks i bought used that currently have a pair of TJ/Full music tubes in them.  I am, overall, very happy with the sound.  So does anyone have a strong opinion that any of the $1000 a pair current production 300b tubes are really worth the money over my $300 pair?  Would my money be better spend on a needle upgrade for my turntable?  :-)

I recently got the new Georgia-made Western Electrics for my Eddie Current Studio B amp, and they sound awesome - another category altogether from the JJ's I'd been using. Could I find tubes that were as good or even better than the WE's for less money? Most likely. Am I going to waste any time being concerned about it? Nope. I've spent my money, I've got my tubes, and I am very happy with them! 

I have TJ mesh plates 300B. Very nice tubes. Good value for money. I also have EML 300B Mesh plates that is noticeably better especially in term of refining.

My amplifier has only ~6 Watt output, so mesh plate 300B power rating works.

Does anybody has experience with EML 300B Mesh plate? How are they compared to other 300B?

I’ve WE 300b tubes manufactured Q4 from 1948 and Elrog 300b (2nd generation). The Elrog is as good as the WE, but a different flavor: more air around instruments and less deep sound stage. My preference varies based on the how the album is recorded. The Elrog can be bright for some. I’d spend my $1000 on a sub, MC cartridge, or room treatments. Good luck.

The most solid 300b tube in my experience is the EAT. I have the Takatsuki as well, good sound but less solid construction. The EAT tubes are not well known but highly recommended

I sold my DHT preamp so I now have a pair of Elrog 300B and a pair of KR T-100 tubes laying around if anyone is interested.