I returned the isolation transformer within the 30 day return window, which was easy after buying it locally.
I might try ordering the parts my own humbuster / dc filter and have one of the two local audio service shops do the assembly. Can someone give me a schematic of the simplest proven design (side by side caps on either the live XOR neutral feed with diodes on each side?) and a high quality parts list that I would need? Should I go with the Bryston, the Crown or a simpler design? It would be great if that parts list included a nice black outer metal case / box if possible plus high quality IEC female connector. I would hope to be able to use one of Porter's power ports also.
Jea48, have you done something like this before? I saw a similar thread post by Gbart that he / she has made some of these for Audiogon members, but I am unable to email that user.
Please drop me an email if possible: white 78 911 at hotmail dot com
TIA again!
I might try ordering the parts my own humbuster / dc filter and have one of the two local audio service shops do the assembly. Can someone give me a schematic of the simplest proven design (side by side caps on either the live XOR neutral feed with diodes on each side?) and a high quality parts list that I would need? Should I go with the Bryston, the Crown or a simpler design? It would be great if that parts list included a nice black outer metal case / box if possible plus high quality IEC female connector. I would hope to be able to use one of Porter's power ports also.
Jea48, have you done something like this before? I saw a similar thread post by Gbart that he / she has made some of these for Audiogon members, but I am unable to email that user.
Please drop me an email if possible: white 78 911 at hotmail dot com
TIA again!