Yea the 40.2/3 are my grails but VERY doubtful I'll ever have an extra $12,500.00+ to drop on them not to mention I couldn't lift them if I could hahahaaa...I'm looking for 85%+ of the Harbeths performance for 1/10th.the $...Yamaha NS-5000?I remember one of my very first systems used a small Yamaha 3 way that cost me like $90.00 & served me well until I moved up to Paradigms something..I'll have a look..
Re: the MHA-100, I did a TON of research before pulling the trigger..One reviewer used $8000.00 Elacs that are 4ohm nominal dropping to 3.2 ohms with "superb" results..
Re:U Tube videos are another tool for research & can NOT be discounted as a viable method of demo'ing..
Re: the MHA-100, I did a TON of research before pulling the trigger..One reviewer used $8000.00 Elacs that are 4ohm nominal dropping to 3.2 ohms with "superb" results..
Re:U Tube videos are another tool for research & can NOT be discounted as a viable method of demo'ing..