3 Way Stand Mount Speakers

Having gotten a REALLY good deal on a gently used McIntosh MHA-100 to drive my Harbeth M30.1's & various headphones I started thinking about my holy grail speakers(Harbeth M40.2/3)& started to look at other options..So far I am HIGHLY impressed by what I'm reading & hearing(U Tube)from the Wharfedale Linton & wondered what other choices are available in a 3 way stand mount speaker..I value an organic sound & they will be driven by the McIntosh MHA-100's 50wpc.@ 8ohms..
The three models to audition are the Harbeth 40.2/3, the Spendor Classic 100, and the Yamaha NS-5000.  Only you can decide which of the three you're going to prefer.
Yea the 40.2/3 are my grails but VERY doubtful I'll ever have an extra $12,500.00+ to drop on them not to mention I couldn't lift them if I could hahahaaa...I'm looking for 85%+ of the Harbeths performance for 1/10th.the $...Yamaha NS-5000?I remember one of my very first systems used a small Yamaha 3 way that cost me like $90.00 & served me well until I moved up to Paradigms something..I'll have a look..
 Re: the MHA-100, I did a TON of research before pulling the trigger..One reviewer used $8000.00 Elacs that are 4ohm nominal dropping to 3.2 ohms with "superb" results..
 Re:U Tube videos are another tool for research & can NOT be discounted as a viable method of demo'ing..
The new Yamahas are pretty expensive I thought? Are you talking about the old ones?

And definitely don’t use YouTube videos to judge anything other than aesthetics. It’s likely an iPhone mike being used to take the video which is then farther being compressed by YouTube algorithms. Even if it’s a digital camera being used for taking the video, it’s still just a mike not meant for recording music.