«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»

Interesting video of Jay's audio lab reflections about the audiophile world:



Listening Jay video i realize how much we are different...

He said that he enjoy visual cues because in the dim light music can become boring. He said that visual cue are more powerful than sound.

I prefer darkness.

Sounds may be less "attractive" in the first moment then visual cues but music and voices are way more powerful coming slowly more deeply inside us than any visual attractions.

Sounds wait for our attention to give meanings. Visuals cues impose themselves. We must decipher music with total attention or a voice in a way visual movie or scenery is all prepared like a ready to cook meal.

Music is the first way we communicate in the womb and the last perceptive meanings to disapear.

i never listened as Jay did all the time from upgrade to the next, the "performance" of my gear pieces. I used acoustic experiments and listening experiments for a long period to set the system/room right for my ears. I ought to learn how to do it and nobody teach that. I listen music now, it is done and i know how to do it. The system /room is not there as an obstacle or a limitation, because it is optimal (for price paid)




thanks @mahgister for starting the thread. i do think that people are moving away from traditional hifi setups towards streaming, wireless and stuff that "just works" with lifestyle etc and i do agree with @deep_333 re: the cheaper stuff now is a lot better than it used to be.

unfortunately it seems like global demographic collapse is also upon us. and in this situation, i really do not seeing younger people being passionate about hifi like previous generations did...

i'm curious though, as of 2025 - what are your most impactful recent discoveries. since you mention the importance of acoustics etc alot in other threads. (i mostly agree with you, btw, so asking for your latest tips!)

No reason for dramatic whistleblowing. Bigger part of audiophiles are just not public. They don’t participate in any forums and community discussions and just peacefully enjoying their hobby. I personally know a couple such audiophiles. One of them is high level physicist with bunch of patents, who built his system based on his scientific knowledge and principles and doesn’t care about any trends or opinions, just enjoying great music in best available quality for him. 

I look at the nice equipment but don’t agree with 1/2 his decisions 

synergy is far more important then the amount of $$ monies spent.

i  have 40 years + in Audio as a Audiophile ,owned a Audio store for a decade 

as well as many years in sales I would never sell a product I didnot believe in in for its quality and value , let your ears be the judge  , not the $$ money !!