’my system cost peanuts’
My system cost almonds and cashews.
l believe in your philosophy and it’s the way to go……
l have in my 50 years with this hobby mainly bought second hand gear. In the early years I was lucky to have been right behind other older Hi-Fi addicts who were constantly upgrading. Shure V15 mk3, SME 3009 improved arm, Garrard 401 record deck, Tandberg TCD330 cassette deck, Revox series 7 reel to reel, Cambridge Audio (Oppo) 752BD Universal Blu-ray/SACD player, Cambridge Audio P100 (1970s era) integrated amp, Rola Celestion Ditton 25 speakers, and these are just one example from each major component.
l have only drawn the line at cartridges and have nearly always bought new except for the Goldring G900IGC MM. Goldring ceased production of this cart in the 80s and l have yet to appreciate a better sounding MM cart. I managed to buy 2 original IGC Van Den Hul Gyger 1 profile styli to keep the cartridge going on my second deck.
So l totally believe in your logic of buying for ‘peanuts’……second hand can be the new ‘Go West young man’…..it’s the new affordable frontier.