«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»

Interesting video of Jay's audio lab reflections about the audiophile world:



Time, technology and trend has undoubtedly played it's part, but to a large extent, we audiophiles and the outrageously expensive audiophile market place has played a big part in the demise of audiophilia, 

I have an adult son and grandson and a teenage granddaughter, who will have 0 interest in, nor see the sense in, my thousands of $$ worth of, wall too wall, audio gear when I am gone. 



I've changed my mind and have decided that I will take it all with me. When St. Peter hears the angelic music emitting from my tube system he will no doubt let me pass through the pearly gates. After all that I have been through and done in this life of mine, I need all the help I can get.

None of this bothers me. I love music and I still have fun buying and trying new things when I have spare change. 

What does bother me is using the words then and than incorrectly. It has already happened twice in this thread.


’my system cost peanuts’

My system cost almonds and cashews.

l believe in your philosophy and it’s the way to go……

l have in my 50 years with this hobby mainly bought second hand gear. In the early years I was lucky to have been right behind other older Hi-Fi addicts who were constantly upgrading. Shure V15 mk3, SME 3009 improved arm, Garrard 401 record deck, Tandberg TCD330 cassette deck, Revox series 7 reel to reel, Cambridge Audio (Oppo) 752BD Universal Blu-ray/SACD player, Cambridge Audio P100 (1970s era) integrated amp, Rola Celestion Ditton 25 speakers, and these are just one example from each major component.

l have only drawn the line at cartridges and have nearly always bought new except for the Goldring G900IGC MM. Goldring ceased production of this cart in the 80s and l have yet to appreciate a better sounding MM cart. I managed to buy 2 original IGC Van Den Hul Gyger 1 profile styli to keep the cartridge going on my second deck.

So l totally believe in your logic of buying for ‘peanuts’……second hand can be the new ‘Go West young man’…..it’s the new affordable frontier.

my philosophy has 2 parts:

Buy what you can afford...

Study acoustics...

My deepest salutation brother...


So l totally believe in your logic of buying for ‘peanuts’……second hand can be the new ‘Go West young man’…..it’s the new affordable frontier.