$5000 to spend....

....Bad news is I got laid off... Good news is I got a nice check for unused vacation time. I'm putting most of it towards a rainy day, but if I were to spend $5000 of it on "improving" my system, how would it best be spent? Is there one component that should be upgraded? Or, should I divvy up the money and put it towards a couple of components? Of course, there are those 2003 Bordeaux and Sauternes futures to consider.. :-)
Have some trip to Jamaica!
They have a very nice puff-stuff pure and natural.
Smoke Joint, Drink Rum, Score, Score, Score... etc...
Ain't nothing's more pleasant than feel a freedom dude!
Listener...I think I'll follow that suggestion... thanks!

Marakanetz... you are obviously a wise man and are speaking from considerable experience!! :-))))
Having a degree in Economics...I too add my vote for saving...at least you're not refinancing your house in order to buy a pair of speakers like someone I saw recently do here...just my 2c.

ditto on the walker SST. I just painted my headphone setup. Whoa! talk about new clarity. not sure if it was the sst or the detox contact cleaner, but holy cow man. the downside is your lose high frequencies for about 5 hours, but after a while it'll break in and better than before. Whoa.
Come on CPdunn. Save the cash. This sounds like getting a refund check from the Gov't after taxes and then spending it (after all is was money we gave to the gov't interest free that we could have used throught the prior year!)