You will more likely burn up the switch. They are all rated fairly low.
A / B Switching
Does anyone have any experience with using a switch to go between speaker pairs?
which unit is best?
concerns over running multiple pairs?
Ive got a pair of B&W 802’s and a Dahlquest DQ-10 (full system). Mac 2105 amp C 28 preamp. I’d love to keep both speaker sets in the system, but concerns over signal degradation by the switch or burning up my amp. Thanks
which unit is best?
concerns over running multiple pairs?
Ive got a pair of B&W 802’s and a Dahlquest DQ-10 (full system). Mac 2105 amp C 28 preamp. I’d love to keep both speaker sets in the system, but concerns over signal degradation by the switch or burning up my amp. Thanks