@garebear essentially no streamer is made of parts made in USA, and most streamer brands are also assembled outside USA. So make sure you’re clear with yourself on expectations there. It’s a pretty big ask.
The software / OS you deal with will be specific to your streamer company of choice - if you want hassle-free, then you better trial said model of choice before you commit, or you’ll have no way of knowing. There’s a large opinion factor in what constitutes “hassle-free” software experiences.
Perhaps the most noteworthy point was already stated by @falconquest - you aim to buy a $2-5K single-purpose computer that you probably want to have a phone app (if using on deck etc) that will work with a router of your choice. There is, accordingly, no place in the world for a don’t-worry-about-updates streamer. 😉
Whatever off-the-shelf solution you choose, you will be dependent on that hardware manufacturer for software upkeep and maintaining the user interface for a phone app (i.e. staying current with Android / iOS updates). Without it, a streamer rapidly becomes obsolete. That death cycle has already occurred for at least one manufacturer.
These are among the reasons i went DIY, FYI 😁
This is not meant to be in contrivance to the other posts here - based on your questions you just need to understand your expectations don’t match the streamer market as closely as you’re hoping. These things by design aren’t robust analogue amps that stay trouble-free until they need new caps decades later.