Barb, I'm glad to hear you decided on Gracie. A tribute to the past, as well as a reminder of the grace Pat has experienced.
I will be spinning Praire Wind this afternoon along with Amused to Death. At first blush it seems inappropriate, but Roger Waters deals with some very complex themes, including, tragic loss, and that many people have trivialized their own lives as well as human life in general.
Pat on the other hand understood the importance of this life, as preparation for the next.
Pat, we're not tailgating, we're drafting! Thanks for leading the way. Barb, you are no less in my prayers today than you were last week.
I will be spinning Praire Wind this afternoon along with Amused to Death. At first blush it seems inappropriate, but Roger Waters deals with some very complex themes, including, tragic loss, and that many people have trivialized their own lives as well as human life in general.
Pat on the other hand understood the importance of this life, as preparation for the next.
Pat, we're not tailgating, we're drafting! Thanks for leading the way. Barb, you are no less in my prayers today than you were last week.