I apologize and i will try to not congest your thread.... But i will answer if someone ask for it....
My best to you....
My best to you....
About to invest in room treatments; GIK, RealTraps, DIY -- what is your experience?
You prefer someone who argue against turntable lovers, condemning them to be ignorant, WITHOUT sound argument and against fact and reason? By the way i have the right to answer a post directed to the simple fact i pointed to.... Arguments are hard to follow when they exist by the way.... Opinions without arguments is it what you want? children arguing? He just suggest that the golden ratio is an ARBITRARY convention and this is ignorance... I only reestablish a scientific fact..... |
There is no accident in using 38% (really 37.5% of 3/8th, or 6/8th).The golden ratio IS not a human creation...It is a natural and mathematical fact .... Then it is not an accident or an arbirary choice of a deluded man who want to peg it.... And seriously do you think that a general article pick on the net can ridiculized the work of a Russian mathematician (800 pages) I read it by the way.... This is my mathematician bio: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexey_Stakhov Wrote to him about your facts correction in this not very informed "debunking" article..... Stakhov is the best specialist on the mathematic of the golden ratio in the world , not a journalist.... 😊 « Stakhov is a Ukrainian mathematician, inventor and engineer, who has made contributions to the theory of Fibonacci numbers and the "Golden Section" and their applications in computer science and measurement theory and technology. Doctor of Computer Science (1972), Professor (1974). Author of over 500 publications, 14 books and 65 international patents.» You read too much internet articles and not enough serious books.... It was the reason why do dont even know what "timbre" is except a useless addition of colors according to tastes My profession was counselling books to students and not only in litterature but in science also ..... By the way.... 😁 These are the last paragraph of this very impôrtant works: «The eighth conclusion touches on the general role of the Mathematics of Harmony in the progress of contemporary mathematics. We affirm that the Mathematics of Harmony can overcome a contemporary crisis in the devel� opment of the 20th century mathematics what resulted in the severance of the relationship between mathematics and theoretical natural sciences [6]. The Mathematics of Harmony is a true “Mathematics of Nature” incarnated in many wonderful structures and phenomena of the Universe (pine cones, pine� apples, cacti, heads of sunflowers, quasi�crystals, fullerenes, genetic code, Uni� verse evolution and so on) and it can give birth to new scientific discoveries. » |
Your objection is a tautology beside my observation and you dont even realize it.... The golden mean is precisely a ratio which relation can be inscribed in a SPIRAL and the relation between the cosx and sinx exhibit then precisely this 1.6 ratio then this rule 38 and 62 % whichi is only an empirical illustration of this universal fact in traditional architecture and acoustic.... 62//38 which is a gross approximation....55/30 and 89/49 are Fibonnacci number, 2 fractions on an infinite series convergent to 6.1803....38/62 being an approximation itself of 2 terms of these series.... You are definitely intelligent, way more less tough that you think you are... You make me laugh, go on.... If you try to contradict me, try a real argument AGAINST, not in favor, of what i argue for and not repeating my observation under another wording....You trashed turntables lover with partial fact, you trash E-Mats customers with suppositions without any experience of their products for the pleasure to hurt them with no reason other than your stubbornness...No shame... This ratio is the FACT......He was probably discovered by accident in room tuning with EARS or by someone who knows the importance in all field of this historical proportion in art and science.... No golden rule, just math rule.Golden rule IS math....😁 Just this affirmation make you a recipient of the donkey prize! Try this book written by a Russian mathematician ( the best on the subject ) : https://www.amazon.com/Mathematics-Harmony-Contemporary-Computer-Everything/dp/981277582X |
It’s very hard to know where the standard 38% position is, given the irregular shape.This location is indeed very good.... this is the golden ratio.... My 2 locations are good and the 2 are at this same ratio, one from my front wall (near listening) the other regular position from the rear wall at the same ratio...My room is irregular but permit this.... Try to discover a location in your room inplying this ratio.... 1.618 is the magic number of nature.... 62 divide by 38 : 1.63 My Helmholtz-Fibonacci silent pipes organ, a room tuner has all three sets of three pipes cut with this ratio.... 😊 |
My Helmholtz-Fibonacci resonators are not ordinary Helmholtz resonators... I use many ordinary one i created myself but this one is more powerful.... The most important factor is the ratio 1.618...between pipes The series of proportionate lenght between this "silent organ" like set of pipes cleaned most frequencies ....It takes me one hour to make them with some 3 bricks in my basement and unused copper regular plumber pipes of 1 centimeter1/2 diameter.... They act marvellously at one condition: the ratio must be respected to not impair the balance between interacting frequencies... Only one or 2 inches, too much or too less, on only one pipe, will produce a not well balance sound very audible...Approximate measure around 1 centimeter will do no audible harm tough ... My idea come from the best Book ever about the mathematics of the golden ratio....Then i coupled the ratio idea with Helmholtz idea....The golden ratio, like pi or the number e pilot the universe at all scale.... https://www.amazon.com/Mathematics-Harmony-Contemporary-Computer-Everything/dp/981277582X By the way the key to Greek acoustic and Egyptian acoustic is this ratio...I read a book about that 45 years ago....I remember the price of the book : 125 dollars in 1977.... A very great book i never regret it....In french or in english it is sold today at the same price than 45 years ago, a real bargain today in relation to inflation....😁 It was an analysis of the Karnak temple in 2 volumes in Egypt by Schwaller de Lubicz..." The temple of Man"... https://www.amazon.com/s?k=schwaller+de+lubicz&i=stripbooks-intl-ship&ref=nb_sb_noss_2 But these 2 books are 1000 pages each almost and not easy reading.... 😁 «Did you know that branches dance around the trunk in a spiral which is the golden number? For sure my wife also dance always like this around men»-Groucho Marx |
Try my last experiment... Cost: nothing... Reward: a totally new system.... "Helmholtz-Fibonacci silent organ" A room tuner i devised myself with bricks and plumber pipes in one hour...If you have crafty hands you can make them esthetically beautiful..... They work with a group of three bricks of three pipes inserted in three holes in each of the 3 bricks; 9 pipes all in all, which have each three set a lenght approximating the golden ratio, then changing the way sound waves react to the normal pressure of the room... Helmholtz is the father of room correction and the golden ratio optimize the working of the resonators on all frequencies....You must choose the lenght of the first 2 sets not too distant from one another and the last set must be with more distance in lenght compared to the first 2....i located 2 sets laterally to each one of the speakers at some short distance and the bigger set behind my listening position... 😉 Experiment with your room it is fun..... I sell creativity not products....No cost.... Audio cost nothing if we know what we are doing, and if we dont know, it cost also nothing we experiment, we learn how to do it.... Dont fall for the upgrading obsession... Acoustic is the main working dimension of audio system, their electronical design cannot beat a bad room.... In a very good room only very, very bad system sound bad..... |