There is no accident in using 38% (really 37.5% of 3/8th, or 6/8th).
The golden ratio IS not a human creation...It is a natural and mathematical fact ....
Then it is not an accident or an arbirary choice of a deluded man who want to peg it....
And seriously do you think that a general article pick on the net can ridiculized the work of a Russian mathematician (800 pages) I read it by the way....
This is my mathematician bio: Wrote to him about your facts correction in this not very informed "debunking" article.....
Stakhov is the best specialist on the mathematic of the golden ratio in the world , not a journalist....
« Stakhov is a Ukrainian
inventor and
engineer, who has made contributions to the theory of
Fibonacci numbers and the "
Golden Section" and their applications in
computer science and
measurement theory and technology.
Doctor of
Computer Science (1972),
Professor (1974). Author of over 500 publications, 14 books and
65 international patents.»
You read too much internet articles and not enough serious books....
It was the reason why do dont even know what "timbre" is except a useless addition of colors according to tastes
My profession was counselling books to students and not only in litterature but in science also ..... By the way.... 😁
These are the last paragraph of this very impôrtant works:
«The eighth conclusion touches on the general role of the Mathematics of
Harmony in the progress of contemporary mathematics. We affirm that the
Mathematics of Harmony can overcome a contemporary crisis in the devel�
opment of the 20th century mathematics what resulted in the severance of
the relationship between mathematics and theoretical natural sciences [6].
The Mathematics of Harmony is a true “Mathematics of Nature” incarnated in
many wonderful structures and phenomena of the Universe (pine cones, pine�
apples, cacti, heads of sunflowers, quasi�crystals, fullerenes, genetic code, Uni�
verse evolution and so on) and it can give birth to new scientific discoveries. »