About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?


I am tired of Audio Troy always saying what they sell is better than what some person is seeking.  He does it in a innocent kind of way.  Example, a guy was looking at a Mac and right away Audio Troy came out with “not good resolution in the Mac, our T&A brand is much better” or something to that effect   It gets tiring, you would never see Atmosphere say that, he is a true gentleman.  

 It gets tiring, you would never see Atmosphere say that, he is a true gentleman.


Nor would you see @verdantaudio or ​duke lejuene do that crap.

Baby needs a new pair of shoes and the rent is due! :-)

The funny part stereo5 is true audiophile junkies are SLOW to part with their goods. A used car salesman isn't.

"We're gonna put you in something today EVEN if we have to steal one and sell it to ya!" I had a guy tell me that..

I'm looking for an "XYZ". A good salesman, listens and says have you thought about ZYX or (YOU should know as a salesman) there mind is made up. NOW what accessories do they need to be happy when they try to set up. Customer first, Salesman LAST! 

Great equipment at a reasonable price, you don't have to "Jump the customer" to sell something. On AG it's actually kind of underhanded for others that are not selling as a business but to clean the closet. :-)

I will offer FREE services just to piss someone off though. I don't mind taking advantage of the stupid folks, I like doing that.

But honest "I don't know", folks that is just BAD stuff. Reaping what you sow, Karma, bad mojo, it will come back to bite ya. Stupid though.. Great fun!!

Time to feed the chickens..


@stereo5  +1

Yes. And he has even tried that same rubbish against Ayre Acoustics, no less!

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is.

Then how is he a "gentleman"?

I have seen this here and other forums. Sometimes it is not just the dealer, but regular posters who try to get "too" involved. Supporting a product/dealer is one thing. But when the posters try to defend a dealer - that kind of comes off as if they themselves are the dealers or have some agenda/motive.