Absolutely Amazing Absolute Power Cords

Is it just me or has anyone else ever felt amazed after hearing a low-priced power cord breathe new life into their formerly congested sounding over-priced cosmetically corded system? WAIT!! I know the answer because the question has been asked before......but probably not about the Absolute
Power Cord. I wondered if anyone else has tried this particular cord and what their impressions were. Thanks
Psychicanimal-Thanks...it was looking grim for a while so I am glad you have spoken. I too am very pleased with the Absolutes. They have made me realize that my system is good enough to stand on its own. This is not about thumbing our noses at the big boy cable manufacturers or non-believers. It is about taking the illusion of music playback to a higher level and to turn our fellow Audiogon members on to a great product. Unfortunately there will always be people who do not believe. But did that come as a surprise? It didn't to me. Hell, I had red flags go up also. But it also took me back to a time long ago (1980?) when the owner of the store I would visit tried his best to convince me how my system would sound better with these fancy interconnects made by Audio Technica. HA! It was the same night he showed me a Sony "Walkman"... another novelty that will die quickly. Or so I thought. So lets all try to keep an open mind when it comes to these forums. That doesn't mean that the non-believers should stay quiet! Hell no! But lets keep it in the context of construction criticism of the component in question instead of bashing the person using it.
I am not bashing persons. The Voodoo cable community is a cult. Period. Its priests' main purpose in life is to make money creating an aura of 'magic'. As Deano said, audio is about creating the illusion of music in one's living quarters. The Voodoo has kept consumers from getting great products at reasonable prices. This is what I mean when I say that Bill has kicked the anthill. Once again, the free market economy has won and benefited the consumer...
I'm going to take my Monster HTS2000 out of the system and run these straight into the outlet as the salesman recommended. I can't wait to see how it sounds. I hope for a big improvement. I'm using an Audio Refinement Complete amp and Magnepan MMG speakers.
Hi Pete: I ordered two of them to upgrade the power cords "on" my Monster HTS2000's and a spare to play around with. I am looking into retrofitting male IEC plugs to the Monsters and will upgrade one to start so that I can do an A/B. I can't handle the sound with my power situation without the Monsters in the system during the day/evening (even playing "I Love LA" doesn't make a dammed bit of difference:-) and require the surge protection as well. You are always a little speedier than I am and I will look forward to your post. I also have a pair of BMI Whales cooking in right now that will be used on the player and DAC, so will be able to give an opinion (one anyway) on how these stack up.
After spending too much time researching power cords. I ordered the Absolute Cord figuring $40 wasted wouldn't be too bad. The cord came in 2 days! Hospital grade end looks fine, IEC end kind of cheap. Cord says made in China, well I'm Chinese what can I say....The sound is improved by about 5-10%. I used it on an Audio Analogue Puccini Integrated. $900 bought used for $400. No way am I going to spend $200 on any power cord. Improved drive, more open high end, more detail on female vocals, a bit more midbass impact. I appreciate all the meaningful responses. Bottom line, it will improve a decent system, but no way will 'transform' your system. I have Sonus Faber Speakers. Rotel HDCD CDP.