Listen with your ears and experiment.... The sound waves will not know the price you have paid for your materials and devices controls and will act nevermind the price in a positive way or not...
That’s for sure. Professionally made often times does work a lot better. But also a lot of times its surprising how much improvement there is to be had from really cheap alternatives. Springs, just plain old ordinary springs, are surprisingly effective. Townshend Pods are so much better they’re in another league. But so is the price. You get what you pay for. Which is not always true. But that’s another subject for another day.
So the cheap circuit boards came last night. About the size of a pack of cigarettes, only half as thick, they sure don’t look like much. Took a couple boards from the shop, used a rubber band to hold them on there, plugged one in. Blue lights. No sound. Zero. Just the blue lights. Leaned them up against the side walls about a foot behind me and pointing straight out into the room. Unplugged.
Played some music. Plugged one in. Right away noticed a smoother more natural sound. Hmmm.... unplugged, brittle hard edge. Funny, never noticed that before. Sounded pretty good before. Now sounds kinda flat. Plugged it back in. Sure enough, way better, more depth too. Crazy!
Plugged the second one in. Wow. The front of the presentation has moved forward to where it seems in front of the speakers. Not the whole stage. Just the front. The back extends even deeper than before. Forward can be bad, like aggressive in your face. This isn't aggressive at all. More like closer than forward.
Everyone who hears my system winds up complimenting the imaging. Its even better with the Schumann generators. Especially the sense of space, the size and acoustic space of the venue is a lot easier to hear. There’s a smooth natural sense of ease, which was already quite good but now is even better. If I start to think something is missing, unplugging proves yes indeed something is missing- an overlay of gritty tizzy glare that might once have been mistaken for detail or extension but now turns out to have been noise. Like a whole layer of white noise has been removed. Something like that.
mahgister, you are running 9? This is only two. I’m ordering more!