One can only imagine what mahgister could do with $65k worth of embeddings. Who knows, that might be enough to make even him give up and upgrade a component or two?
Knowing what i had learned , which is little that all there is to know for sure in acoustic, but learning what i had leaned i will never use 65k bucks for embeddings controls...
For upgrade ,believe it or not, i could do it in few years, my wife will approve, why not?
My system is by far not the "best" there is...Then why not upgrade?
But my ratio S.Q. /price is so owerwhelming, i am AFRAID to buy anything, even if they are a better piece of gear ...
Like i said to really upgrade will cost me 15 k bucks....Not less....
You may ask why not upgrading then ?
Because when you had a MINIMAL very good acoustic audiophile experience already, you dont feel the urge to buy NEW product for the sake of a NEW sound...
My sound is NATURAL to my ears it is enough....
Are you able to hear and listen to the 3-d micro- dynamic envelope of each piano note like if each note was a real 3-d object living in space in the middle of your room with his own color and physionomy? are you able to "see" this note?
I can....
Upgrade to what? More fatiguing details? For what? I listen music, i dont investigate studio recording with a sonic microscope and dont want to do so.... And reviewing different gear has no appeal to me...
I think if you give me 15 k bucks to upgrade i will cheat your gift purpose and buy a motorcycle for my old age.... 😊
When young the money i had put beside my pillow to buy a motorcycle was finally used for my stereo system and for books... I never own alas! a motorcycle...
Books and music are way more important for me....Now more than ever....
But now my system is enough to my satisfaction, trust me, i will then betray your gift of money to buy secretly a motorcycle instead of upgrading....
Audiophile experience is embeddings controls implementation not upgrade of gear....
But you already know that.......
For the cost it may vary, for me it was peanuts...
Acoustic science dont mind about the price, a piece of junk can be used.....Only matter his acoustic properties....