Advice from Audiogon family - best speaker $3k-$4k

I am looking for advice for speakers.  This is a second system in my living room with a MA252 integrated, VPI turntable and Blue Sound.  Looking for a floor standing speaker.  I have listen to Sonus Faber and I like them.  Advice?


I am in a fairly similar search mode as the OP, and would have seconded @vinylzone suggestion of Maggie 1.7i at <$3k … BUT you can’t drive them adequately with that Mac integrated, and small/medium Maggies are so dependent on listener room constraints and preferences for genre/content (eg lower extension/dynamics)

In that price range +1 on the Sierra towers with raal recommendation. Had a pair for 8 years, great imaging and depth, wide soundstage, very airy and detailed with yet excellent bass.