Advice using electrostats with tube amp.

I'm currently using a Cary Rocket 88R amp with Serie Reference 3A speakers which I like very much but I have an opportunity to buy back my pair of Martin Logan Theos speakers that I sold about a half year ago. I used Martin Logan speakers for many years having had the Odyssee's in the system for 14 years. Now that I'm using the tube amp, I'm wondering how the pairing would be in consideration of the current demand of these speakers at certain frequencies. I was made aware on these forums of impedance dipping below 1 ohm with the Odyssee's at least. Would the Ethos present as drastic a drop and, if so,  can this Cary handle it. 

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Stringreen, I already have the Cary so that's the starting point for my inquiry because it will probably stay in the system.   It'd sure be interesting to know the basis for your advice though as it may help with the decision re the electrostats. 
I have tried quite a few different amps with my JansZen hybrid electrostats. They are 87db sensitive and it's been dificult finding the right amp to mate with them until I tried the Linear Tube Audio ZOTL40. No impedance problem here. The beauty of tubes and speed of SS and the most powerful 40 watts I've ever experienced. I still have plenty of headroom.
The Theos has an impedance of .8 ohms at 20khz. It’s not a 4 ohm speaker. Still many people like using tube amps with MLs. I don’t think it would hurt to try your tube amp with them, but I would try to get my hands on a solid state muscle amp for comparison.