a disaster!!! :(
a disaster!!! :(
Affects of Badly Centered Hole
This is the worst out of center I have ever seen a record cut. Worse than this? This is a new speaker corner print of mine, returned and replaced, it was a terrible off-center print. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_-_BJUMXBCQ |
Wow from warps, off-center pressings and misplaced center holes has driven me nuts since I was twelve...which was perhaps about one or two years ago(!). Flutter and wow from Four Tracks, Eight Tracks, cassettes and reel-to-reals at anything slower than Seven and a Half IPS did the same. It's one of the reasons I looked so forward to the compact disc. And back then, when you traded in a defective LP for a new one, chances were only about fifty-fifty it'd be better. And oh yeah, don't attempt the exchange in the summer. The vinyl would warp while wending its way across the continent. |