Affordable SS that sound like Tubes

I was a 100% vinyl guy for many years. Due to maintenance cost and aggravation I switched to DSD after a lot of research and I have no regrets.


I am looking for suggestions on affordable SS that sounds as good as Tubes. 


Here's the rub. My Mid Monos were less than $2,000 brand new and they sound incredible. As does my Pre that costed me less than $1,000.

Integrated suggestions are welcomed.

And I would like to hear from people that had fine tube equipment and switched to fine SS equipment.

And please, no mention of "Tubes have Higher Distortion." LOL



I just bought an Integrated Amp for my second system. No it doesn't sound like a tube amp , but it is detailed , has a great midrange , excellent low frequency control ....  it has it all .  Except the tube sound you are looking for.   

As mentioned previously I have a pair of Mid Mono.   It wasn't until I swapped my CJ pre for the incredible sounding Zesto Leto  that I fully realized how good they are for $2000.   

Maybe the Anthem integrated,  Great amp.   $4k plus.   Still not going to have the tone and meat on the bones you seek.  Great sounding amp though.   

Honestly , a really good piece of gear won't always allow you to tell what the topology is.  That Zesto is a good example.   It just sounded so effortless and beautiful.  It committed zero sins .   It was a transformative experience owning a preamp of that caliber .




This is my dream amplifier a S. S. one it is the top version of my Alpha 607 i :


Sansui Alpha AU-907MR


Yeah...if it ever happened I would most likely keep my tube pre. Can  you tell a diff between class D and A?


Never tried the QS preamp,   my last preamp was a CJ Classic 2SE which was an excellent sounding preamp.  Before that a McCormack RLD 1 , a McIntosh C15 before that.  Looking back after using that Zesto for about 10 months they were all slight improvements over each prior but nothing like the Zesto.  In comparing the CJ to the Zesto it was not even close.   It was as if all previous preamps were a bottleneck.