Airpulse A300 vs Kef LS50W

May be looking to get some powered monitors in the near future. The Airpulse looks like you get a descent bang for your buck. Anyone compared these to the ls50w. Other recommendations are welcome as well under 3k. 

Asking myself the same question. Currently have the LS50 and my NAD S300 fried so am thinking of moving to active monitors for my office. I like the KEF's coax, but also have a preference for ribbons. Unfortunately I don't know how the ones in the Airpulse sound.
Salk Power Plays and a Bluesound Node 2i...

Dynaudio XEO 20
 Dynaudio XEO 4 for $799 at Safe and Sound

Dynaudio XEO 6 if they ever go on sale again for $1499
 I had the LS50W and the Xeo 6’s!  I loved the Xeo 6’s.  Shouldn’t have gotten rid of them.  You need a bluesound node 2i  ($420 If you shop around) as well.

Whats cool about the Xeo 4 and Xeo 6 is they come with a hub and later on you could another pair or 2 more pairs and have speakers throughout the home all sync’d together playing the same music with no delay.  You can set themto mono as well if you want to have just a single speaker in say a hallway or something. 
Great Speakers!  Love the Dyns.  Built in Denmark and feel better built, more reliable than the Chinese built kefs (the electronics on the Kefs are what feel so so, and ghat part of the speaker carries a 1 year warranty only.