Albertporter only needs 50

Hey Audiogoners,

Albertporter has made a great offer to coordinate the bulk purchase of cryoed Hubbel outlets. My feeling if it's good enough for Albert's system, it's good enough for mine. But we need more people to participate to make it worth while. Check this post out:

If you don't have time to check out the entire post here is Albert's offer:

"If a group of you want to go together, buy a box or case of outlets, I can get a quantity discount for us for the full cryo treatment. There will be no special packaging or wrappers, but you will have ultimate performance for a fraction of the cost.(This is exactly what I did)."

I spoke with Albert earlier today and he is willing to arrange for the purchase of the outlets in Dallas, have them treated and then probably ship them out Fedex ground. Albert would be doing us all a favor and his only interest is in helping the audio community. Let him know how many you are interested in. I'm in for six (6).
Day eleven.
Good news to report today. The bass is slowly developing back to its former self. The punch and weight are starting to return. I turned the sub back off once again this morning and it is almost back to the setting where it was prior to the installation of the outlets. Everything else sounds great today! There is an ease and pace that is unmistakeable. The detail is phenomenal without being bright or forward. There seems to be a sence of continousness(I think this may be something that HP,of The Absloute Sound, talked about at one point). By this, I mean that the space that instruments exist in is very distinct but the harmonics and ambient decay are able to flow freely and sort of intermingle and overlap in a way that they never have before. It fleshes out the soundstage and just makes it sound more life like. Sounds don't just die off, they float out and you can hear them seem to travel. In other words, WOW.
If it gets better now it will just be a bonus. When the bass fianlly gets back its former drive it will be complete!

Drubin, I would be concerned about running anything that gets hot 24/7. Don't want to burn the house down! That is a burn in you won't like! the fans seem to be doing the trick but it does take a while. Right now I feel like I am over the hump with the burn in. It may throw me a curve in a day or two, I will wait and see. So far it has been an adventure. But I am learning a lot in the process and I am sure it was a good move giving these a try!
listened to the outlets today for the first time and I must say I AM very impressed with the results. I have had them hooked up to my cable cooker for over a week (12) Day's and they sound great. The high's are extremely detailed and the bass seam's allot tighter and cleaner. Thanks Albert!!!!
Day twelve.
Today is much like yesterday. The bass is slightly firmer and deeper than even yesterday. I hope I am almost 1/2 way home. They are starting to sound great!

Btstrg, you lucky dog. A cable burner is a luxury item I don't have acess to. I am happy to hear your report and from what I am told only have another 2 weeks to a month to go. It seems like it has been longer than 12 days. I only plan to update daily for two more days, and after that only if things revert to back or when I hear a breakthrough or some reach some significant milestone.

The sad part is that when these fianaly settle in I will be jonesing for my next upgrade(power cords for the amp and pre-amp) fix. Perhaps a 12 step program is in order?
Day thirteen.
Thirteen IS a lucky number! Today it sounds amazing. Soundstage is vast! Detail is intricate and layered. The bass is much better, with much of the weight and power back with a smoother transition from the mid bass down. I have no complaints what so ever to report today. It sounds mui fabuloso!(not sure if that is spelled right? but you get the picture)
Day fourteen.
This is the final daily episode and I bid you adieu as your humble narrator.

The sound today is much like yesterday, which is to say VERY good. The bass is filling out even more. The soundstage is see through to the darkest corners of the back. Small details in harmonic structure and texture are there like I have never heard before. I am hearing things on these recordings that were never there before. The ring of acoustic guitar strings and brushes on cymbls go on forever and fade into the edges of the stage. There seems to be an illuminated quality to the soundstage. It's like you get a mental picture of the spotlights on stage! Who the hell would need more that to channels! The sound has a flow out into the room that is intoxicating.
The only reservation I have yet and it may go away soon is that with some recordings(I now feel like I have never heard anything in my collection before and it may be the recordings)there still seems to be just a trace of edge and some sibilants(sp?). This may very well go away with even further burn in or it just may be that I am hearing my cables or something else in my system like never before. When a layer of grundge you didn't even know was there before is stripped away it is a very eye opening experience.

Soon I will have in my posession a cable cooker that was offered for my use by a very generous Agoner. I am going to run them on the cooker for at least 72 hours each. I want to take these as far as I can. I always like to wring the most out of a component( yes these are a MAJOR component!)
I love to push the bang for the buck envelope. Albert is right about these being a fantastic value! I will report again after I am finished sauteing these in the cable kitchen! Bon apitite.