Albums that you listen to straight through / start to finish whenever you put them on!

So I have a few albums that whenever I play them I listen to the whole thing in sequence from beginning to end.
Of course some albums are meant to be that way, they are called concept albums. However, my question is not just for the obvious concept albums per se but for any album you play start to finish because it is strong throughout. All genres are included here so no limits on music preferences.

I’ll start with a few that come to mind -
The Moody Blues - The Days of Future Passed 
Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon
Alan Parsons Project- I Robot 
Miles Davis - In a Silent Way
Weather Report - Black Market 

Of the opinion of others, I listen to a CD/album/whatever in its entirety of time allows. There are a few that are "lock the door, mute the phone, collect my charred corpse if house burned" that must be heard end to end. A selection of such:

Led Zeppelin, Song remains the same

Beatles, the White album

Rush, Exit stage left

Miles Davis, Kind of blue / Bitches brew

Montage, Colors on the wind

Genesis, Seconds out

Yes, the Yes album

King Crimson, Lark's tongues in aspic

Nine Inch Nails, the Downward spiral

Marilyn Manson, Antichrist Superstar

Cocteau Twins, anything. Elisabeth Fraser is the voice of heaven.

Mum, Finally, we are no one

1,000,000 others...

I f'n LOVE music. It and books keep me on this wretched planet.

"Remember the Future" by Nektar would be another.

The 2013 redo of "Snow Goose" by Camel qualifies also, not just the original.