Am I nuts?

Thinking of buying a 15 plus year old CD player that cant be fixed if laser fails.  


I wouldn't. If you really need a CDP and can't wait, go for something new(er) and easily repairable (or disposable) and slowly save your money for a better one down the road.

If I had a crystal ball and could foresee the demise of CD players in the next few years, then I'd say go and buy a new one on credit. 

All the best,

Consider just adding an outboard DAC o what you have. Lots of progress in 10 years.


get the $1K Sony Blu-ray player. If You don't like it get an outboard dac too.

As an owner of speakers that are no longer manufactured, I can tell you it’s no fun walking on eggshells for an impending disaster.  It’s not worth it.  If you listen to music constantly in fear of a catastrophic failure, it takes away from the ultimate enjoyment.  Plus, there are just too many more advanced and not necessarily expensive DACs that’ll probably eclipse the old unit’s performance.  Unless you like living in fear, don’t do it.  Just my experience FWIW.