this is, with all the info, a provocative post, to some degree. Nothing wrong with that, a lot of good discussions start with overstating facts or opinions in order to force people to take sides and voice their opposition. What’s disturbing to me about this post is that asks for sympathy for reasons that now have vanished.
Any sympathy here? Anyone else feel alienated
- are your feelings hurt, who alienated you?
Stirring the pot (a million dollar system sounds worse than my 3K system) gets so old so quickly.
Again, beautiful view, beautiful house, beautiful room, beautiful sound. But I forgot the question.
And I don’t mean this to upset the poster, it’s just my subjective read, my thoughts on his thoughts.... no harm done.
if your system is only worth $3,000 I would not consider that high fidelity mid-fi at best.
We know that if it costs less than your car it's not hifi :)