Amp recommendations

Looking for some advice. My 25 year old amp has given up the ghost and I haven’t kept up with what’s good out there. Instead of sinking money in my existing amp, I’m thinking of replacing it. The amp that went bad is a Cary Audio CAD 300B (none of the tubes are working, one of the rectifiers flashes when turned on, I checked the tube fuses). The preamp is a Cary Audio SLP-70 (I recently had it checked out and retubed it). The speakers are Chapman T-7. I also have a Creek CD-60 and Project 1.2 turntable. Music Meter inter connects. My budget is around $4000 for a new amp. Is this a reasonable budget? What amp recommendations do you have? I’d prefer to stay with vacuum tube but if there are solid state amps that you’d recommend, please do so. I can provide specs on the components if needed. Thanks for your advice.
I’m glad that you were able to find a good local repair shop. The Klipsch would definitely meet the criteria for higher sensitivity and and easier to drive impedance speaker. They seem polarizing in terms of their sound quality. Some love them and some do not. Zu Audio speakers seem to be polarizing in similar fashion. Here are a few to look into.

Tekton Audio Perfect SET a few variations are available.
Omega Audio speakers, most models fall in your price range.
Coherent Audio speakers (Made in Canada).
Decware Audio speakers

Used, some Tannoys and Audio Note models. Also used, certain Coincident speakers if you can find them (Super Eclipse, Total Eclipse )very easy load to drive at 14 ohm and 94 db sensitivity speakers.

These in addition to the Klipsch (And possibly Zu Audio) should all present an easy to drive interface with your Cary 25 watt amplifier .
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If you change any equipment or cable, your sound will change no matter what. It’s not good for anyone including myself to push what you should or shouldn’t change. Some of these opinions offered will change your sound including who repairs your amplifier. Sorry to be the bare of bad news. You need to formulate your own decisions. Fix your amp or not, buy a new Or used one within your budget or change your speakers. Do your homework before you purchase. Have a listen if you can. Check out The Music Room On line to see what pops up. If you don’t like the amp or speaker you purchased, they have a good return policy on used gear. Some otheR companies do as well. Don’t listen to opinions because folks can have the same exact equipment but because their room is shaped differently and they also may have different furniture, curtains or layout, it will sound different. I hope that helps. 

PS. I use to own the Cary Audio CAD805AE with the 300B tube in it so I understand where you are coming from. I currently own a Krell Evolution 402e but I’m running a pair of Wilson Audio Maxx 2’s. I ran this on the Cary amps as well. I’m currently still running the Cary SLP05 preamp with the Ultimate Upgrade and I tube rolled it. It sounds amazing. On the tube side, I have the McIntosh MC2301 monoblock amplifiers for the same speakers as well. I switch between the amplifiers depending on how I’m listening to music. Best of both worlds. The sound is different but I love both of the sounds with either amplifier. Not saying you have to do that. I’m a bit extreme.