Amps with meters ...

are just a lot better than amps without meters.

I really hate those. My last piece with meters was Luxman 505u integrated. Couldn’t wait until I got rid of it (not for the looks though). Most of all I dislike Pass’ ugly useless meters. As of today none of my power amps has meters or displays on them. Even my integrated doesn’t have anything plastic on its faceplate.
Actually, amps with meters sound worse. Any visual distraction disrupts your ability to listen. What would you rather do listen to music or watch needles wiggle. I would rather pay for a better regulated power supply. If you need a meter to do something like bias tubes then fine.
Don't know about every Luxman amp, but mine can be shut off. The lights, not the meter itself.
From an aesthetic standpoint I prefer the clean, simple look of my meterless Pass XA25 to the look of the Pass models having meters. Also, I agree with the comments about meters being distracting. The touchscreen on my DEQX HDP-5 can be set to display level meters, but I only set it to do so on rare occasions when I want to see the meters for a specific purpose, such as troubleshooting.

Best regards,
-- Al