Andrew Singer Of "Sound by Singer" passed away yesterday

Andy Singer who owned an audio store in Manhattan and was also a lawyer, passed away yesterday.  I was friends with him on Facebook and found him to be quite a fascinating person.  He was opinionated and was never afraid to speak his mind.  He knew a lot about high end audio and much more.  I will miss him. Rest in Peace Andy.



And your inference is?

I stand by my comments.

Stereo Exchange was a much more welcoming place. Steve Wasserman is genuinely warm and friendly, and he has an amazing memory: he would greet you by name every time you walked in, and he knew the status and composition of my audio system at any given time and was always prepared with an appropriate suggestion for the next improvement to make to it that was suited to my budget.

@unreceivedogma , what inference?  I think I was pretty clear with my comments.  To my way of thinking when a person reacts defensively without cause tells me that they may be one of the “some” (SOME!) that I allude to?  Perhaps whoever you dealt with was having a bad day.  We all do at times, no?  A crime?  A little thicker skin is always a good thing.  I think that the overwhelmingly positive comments here vs the negative says something.  I like straight shooters.  Andy was one.  

@dayglow , I agree, @gents nailed it.  

I went in there at least twice a year for well over 15 years. I never felt welcomed. Not once.

Not the case at the other two shops I frequented, especially Stereo Exchange which was just the opposite.

And I could never even get the time of day at The Stereo Exchange. I tried a handful of times. Maybe it was the Rolex/Mercedes thing...

Fortuitously, not caring for being invisable at The Stereo Exchange resulted in me finding my little audio ’love connection’ at The HiFi Exchange in Little Neck Queens. Loved Alex, Anthony and all the regulars that came & went. Wonderful guys who taught me what was good and who for the sake of this discussion, also knew & liked Andy enough to speak well of him whenever anyone shared disdain for Sound By Singer.