Recently I put my Bluesound Node 2I for sale (not in AG yet) someone very interested wanted to buy it through ZELLE. I received an email requesting $300 to establish an account bc he was using a business acct. then the buyer pester me that he sent the money to buy, and I have to follow the directions on said email. Checked with my bank, no money sent. Be aware of scams like this. They are getting smarter buy the minute. They call you, they ASAP you, use messenger and others with nice pics of a person with pets etc. and of course fake names like Frank D. (last name withheld). What made me suspect was the way ZELLE was spelled. they will make subtle changes to make it seem real. WATCH OUT! never send money or give personal info.


This is why I take checks and money orders only no Zelle or PayPal however that's just me.

Many banks offer Zelle as a service. In my case I had to set it up through my bank account. I've bought using it but never sold.

I received an email requesting $300 to establish an account bc he was using a business acct

I don't understand.  Why did you, the seller, have  to deposit $ 300 though?