Reviewers are like us... Humans....
The difference is that they have their own ears , not yours; and they must sell in a way or in another...Generally they sell new offers on the market... They dont compare with the past, even to recent past...For most all is progress...
Some are better than others...
The problem is reviewers spoke for all of us indistinctly...And no one here is on the same place in his audio journey.....The reviewers cannot know about your needs; you must learn to identify your real needs...
it is generally better to read articles than listening reviewers to do this...
At the end of the road we dont need reviewers...At the begining of the road i am not sure we need reviewers...We need to read ...When i had listened reviewers i had been put aside and i regret all i bought ( many dac , many amplifier and many speakers and many headphones 😊 ) ...I begin to understand by reading about acoustic basic... And i read about some vintage mythical products, it is better to buy a myth with a ton of reviews and advices, than to buy a new product which will be forgotten soon ...
Reviewers may be entertaining and can give good suggestions for sure... But you must listen to yourself reading with open mind about the past products not only the new one...Past products can be vintage but they can be product of ten years ago ...
There is a revolution now in audio for example in the last 15 years , how many reviewers youtube spoke about it ? Very , very few...
Guess what it is ?
How many revolutions there is in audio in the last 15 years and which one ?
No it is not a mere new dac like all the others more or less ....