Any integrated's phono that can compete with $2.5k - $3k outboard one ?

MM and MC, though mostly interested in MM. I am aware of Gryphon. Not interested in Accuphase or Luxman. Tube or solid state or hybrid, no difference if it sounds right to me. Should be powerful enough, at least 60 watts tube or 100 watts solid state.
In my initial post I did say that I had no interest in either Accuphase or Luxman. They are overpriced badly in this country, especially Accuphase, and my sound preferences do not include Japanese solid state electronics.
Anyway, it appears that at this performance level there really is no substitute for a separate phono stage. Gryphon might be an exception if you want solid state, I don't know. This would confirm what I suspected. 
Phono in a preamp would be a different discussion, though the outcome of it might be exactly the same - outboard phono is a must at this level, no way around it. Some onboard phonos would do as transitional to better sound.
Any integrated's phono that can compete with $2.5k - $3k outboard one ?

Not from my experiences, and I have owned a VAC 160iSE.
I would call the phono stage decent at best.
The inboard on the VAC was easily beaten by a Allnic H1201 outboard.
I also heard good things about Octave V70SE and V80SE but heard nothing about their phono.
Does VAC have tape-out, I record from vinyl?
Check out the Vac 160i.  Outstanding phono stage.   The Diablo would also be very good.
It is not that what I have is bad. I have original Redgum RGi120 integrated , 120 good watts/ch, and Acoustech phono which is also quite good. I am just thinking of different possible upgrade paths. I also have Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm front end.

I really like my Rega Elicit-R. It is a very good sounding, full-bodied integrated amp with a good MM phono stage built-in. I replaced 3 pieces of separates and prefer it over the separates. For about $1600 +/- $200 (used) you get a very good integrated amp with built-in MM phono that sounds really good and has really incredible build quality.

BTW, I pair mine with the matching Rega Saturn-R CD transport/player/DAC and I have everything I need for electronics. Add a TT w/MM cartridge and you are set. Very elegant solution IMHO.

Not sayin’ the phono section will match a $2k-$3K separate phono section. It won't. But it’s good enough for me and it comes in a nice, clean, compact package.
I don't think you get it. When someone mentions Gryphon it means that he won't accept anything less, only different.
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