II have not heard your speaker in a long time, and even if I were familiar with the sound, it is impossible to say what sounds like it because what you may be focusing on and what you may like about your speakers might be different from what I am focusing on and liking about that speaker. I can only say that generally, I share your sensibilities and also like high efficiency, horn-based systems (I own a horn-based system myself). That said, I can tell you about what I generally like that are smaller than what you have and would also work well in the corners of the room like your setup.
My first recommendation would be a smaller Volti speakers. They are quite good at delivering the liveliness and immediacy of horn speakers while not having the most common horn colorations. The Rival is smaller, but still a large speaker, while the Razz would be even more wife friendly.
While not horn systems, Audio Note AN-E's are very good sounding speakers when placed in the corner of the room and they are reasonably efficient and work well with low-powered amps (my favorite kind of amp). This speaker sells for well under your price cap, but, there are a dizzying array of variations, some of which are WAY over your price cap. I don't know the price of the various options, but, if the Alnico magnet variation is in your price range, jump on that).
Coming in just under your price cap is one of my favorite reasonably priced speaker that also works well in the corner of the room--Charney Audio Companion (offered with several options for the driver; I like the AER driver the most, but they are all good). I was shocked at how well these single driver systems perform; they even deliver decent bass.
Rethm speakers might work well too, and they are much smaller, but, they sort of have a funky look. They deliver the same sort of dynamic sound that horn systems deliver.