I discussed adding the room in the attic with my wife and we both agreed if it gets to that point we will just move to a new house. I am nearing retirement and moving is probably the best option. Maybe I’ll get a barn like Mike L.
So, that left me with trying out some different speakers and see if I can find a pair we can live with.
I listened to the Audio Note An-e and it just didn’t sound great to me. I was disappointed because moving the speakers back to the corners would do the job, I think. The Volti recommendations are probably where I will end up. I was listening last night with the 300b amp and it was really everything you could want.
I’m waiting on some TAD Evolution one speakers to show up. They may be in this week. I think I can use these closer to the front wall. I heard them described as horns without the bass issues. We shall see. Alnic 300b, and Atma-sphere M60 would be out, but I can use the Atma-Sphere Class D for a while, and I do have a 250-watt Butler amp in the closet if more power is needed.
I will be keeping the Volti’s for a while till I figure it out.
Thanks for the ideas!