Any Pentagon Cd 70 owners out there?

I was wondering if anyone else has something good to say about this wonderful player which was sadly discontinued 5 years ago.I tried numerous other players but always come back to Pentagon for pure listening pleasure.I installed WBT top of the line female RCAs,Furutech receptacle and put it on Cerapucks.I would appreciate other Pentagon owners comments about their gear.Thanks.
Hello!I have one. It sounds soooo gooood.I just dont have many CDs to have this wonderful player sitting on my rack.It is listed here on Audiogon
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As i understand they are the same people that made Pentagon line,just changed their name and switched to speaker manufacturing.Email them,they might have some spare parts left over or at least can reccomend a replacement transport compatible with CD 70.
I don't remember exactly what the problem was but will ask. From reading your post there may be hope. Thanks!
My experience with Joe was exactly the opposite.I called him recently for assistance in getting a new clamp and brass knobs and he was very helpful and promptly shipped it to me.As i understand the transport is Philips and it is relatively bulletproof.Is the transport dead or just skips?
I don't have a Pentagon CD player, but one of my customers does. His needs repair, I think the transport, and he has been unable to get any assistance. If you have any information on whom to contact it would be much appreciated, as otherwise he has a $6000 boat anchor. Joe DePhillips of Discovery Cable was the former US distributor and was of no help.