Any Vandersteen 7 Owners in SFO Bay Area ?


There is no dealer in San Francisco Bay Area who carries Vandersteen 7.  I want to listen to them before i consider and upgrade and wondering if there is anyone in my area who can help me.  I own 5A Carbons and thinking of upgrading. 
I'll ask around as many of we Vandy owners are in touch on other forums.  Seattle is nice this time of the year  as is LA, lol.  You have great speakers, but I do hope you get to hear the 7 mk 2's.  They are one of the most special speakers I've heard and I get out a lot and hear many of the 100k speakers.  The Vandy manufacturer plant is not far from you.  email me:
Thank you.  I will try to drive to LA This weekend to listen to them.  I am surprised that we don't have any dealer in Northern California who carries them.   I like my 5A Carbons but never listened to 7s . 
They used to have one in Walnut Creek.  They probably will in the future though as they are starting to grow again.  Randy at Optimal in Santa Monica has the 7's on the floor I believe.  I know that Bruce in San Diego has the 7's as well as it's matching amp on display right now.  That amp is sick with it, lol.  That's my dream.  
i would suggest you call Richard. I have 7 mk 2 in Seattle. he helped me a great deal in auditioning, etc.
Having said that both Randy and Bruce get a lot out of the 7's - they have great rooms, skills and ancillary equipment.
have fun the 7 -and frankly the speaker you have are amazing.
i am blessed to have them

Tom, yes you have what I consider the best speakers I've ever heard as I"ve heard them so many times in so many room and with so many different amps, but they always shine.  I hope OP get's a chance to get down to Socal this weekend. Please call first and let us all know how it goes.

Tom, I'm heading up to Seattle on Xmas week as a get away with my wife.  Can't wait. I used to live in Bremerton with the Navy in the early 80's.  Love Seattle area.