Tim doesn't put "boutique" parts in EAR products not to save money, but because he doesn't find they lead to better sound or greater reliability. What he DOES do is use parts with voltage ratings that exceed the voltages the parts will see in the circuit they are used in.
Two other designer/manufactures who share Tim's view on this subject are Roger Modjeski and Frank Van Alstine, both known for offering products with very high price-to-performance ratios. There are some other companies selling higher priced electronics that never-the-less contain parts with voltage ratings barely meeting what the circuits they are used in call for, leading to those products less-than-stellar reliability record.
Two other designer/manufactures who share Tim's view on this subject are Roger Modjeski and Frank Van Alstine, both known for offering products with very high price-to-performance ratios. There are some other companies selling higher priced electronics that never-the-less contain parts with voltage ratings barely meeting what the circuits they are used in call for, leading to those products less-than-stellar reliability record.