Anyone heard the E.A.R. "Acute"?

Sounds interesting, CDP w/tubed output stage and analog domain volume. Just wondering if anyone has had a chance to listen to one?
Thanks BDP24. That is good to know! Also, I am learning a lot from the information regarding tube rolling. Thanks All.
@djfst. I turn the ear all the way up and use the volume control of kr audio va 900 integrated. The seimens on my bebop Jazz is great. It very detailed, fast and open. Needs a little more body but soundstage is huge and wide. I know the reviewer used kubala sosna emotion with the ear. They add warmth richness and body from what I hear about them. But just a slight bit. I'm going to try the ediswans because my dealer suggested. He has a taste warmth and richness so I will try. I tried mullards in my old Ear 868 and I hated it. Sound like a thick flannel blanket.
I always thought Van Alstine priced their gear at the lower end of the spectrom. It seems like EAR prices their gear on the higher end of things. I think the biggest problem with EAR is there customer service. I have read quite a few threads about their lousy customer service. Though no one has ever complained about the sound quality.
I've owned the EAR Acute 3 for about 1 1/2 years and have never had one issue with the player. It is without a doubt the most musical player I've ever heard or owned. I would also recommend tube rolling as a good NOS tube provides that little bit of magic people talk about. The only player I would be interested in going to would be the new Acute 4/DAC 4 combo.