Anyone heard Underwood level1 3910 mod?

Has anyone heard the underwood mods? I am looking at getting a 3910 modded but I don't have another 2K to spend on a API etc. Underwood says $650.00 for their work.

I will second Eldartford's comments re: workmanship, sound, ease of transaction and timeliness.

Is there more information about the clock? I am interested in sending in my current player for this upgrade and wondered if they will install the clock. Is it truely an APL clock?

So far no response to my email inquiry and its over a week.

As far as reaching HRAM for info call Mike at 777-433-9434
he will be glad to take to you about what mods he is offering on the 3910
I would love to hear from somebody that has actually sent in their 3910 and was familiar with the "before" so that they could compare the "after."

I was thinking about getting the "Ultimate" but before I jump in and spend $2700 to tweak my existing 3910 I wanted to ask around a little.

I can't speak to the Mods, but I've bought several pieces of equipment from Wally and can vouch for him as a great guy to deal with. Also, check out Six, I think they have a number of reviews of Wally's modded products.