Anyone try a SUB THREE from Vandersteen yet?

Looks like finally put it on their site. Anyone order one yet? I would like to get an idea of how much better it is than the 2WQ. I have my eye on a used pair of 2WQs at the moment, but if the THREE is significantly better I may have to save up...

Here is the link to vandersteen:
@jbrrp1 ,
As I said, I have no issues with my system currently, so moving to up to the Sub 3 isn't high on my list, but I do agree that the equalizer would probably take things to another level.
I need to talk with Johnny R. and get some more info. In fact, I want to order some AQ Thunder power cables, and a pair of VLR's.
I have a pair of Sub 3 on order (with xcrossovers) to integrate with Magnepan 20.7. I am checking with my dealer if I really could use 2 more for the "final" solution. He is checking with Mr V.