Anyone try the replica B-60 Fidelity Research VTA?

My sammle moved not only up an down but also sidewards.
The reason as far as I can judge is the pin on the screw
which connect the inner and the outer collar. The inner collar
slides along this pin up and down but if there is
any play between this pin and the notch of the inner collar
the tonearm will move also sidewards. This means that the
'replica' is not as 'exact' as claimed by the producer.
I assume that this screw is better made by the orginal B-60 .
Those ''damn details''.

I would like to know how much difference there is in Cartridge VTF, between the lowest and highest setting when using this B60.  When I had a FR64s it was without the B60 and setting VTA was a PITA. 

I am curious. Anyone.  

My dear ''other Slavic brother''. B-60 is not an VTA but an  SRA

adjuster. As I mentioned in my previous post those ''damn details''

are about fractions of one mm. No way you can do this with your

''PITA  method''. You need to loose two screws and manual

adjust the arm level. Then you need to use some magnifier glass

to be able to check  this pale aluminum scale on the FR-64 collar.

I am not able to see 2 mm difference on this scale. My assumption

is that you never owned the B-60 so you have no idea what you

are talking about (grin).

Some new videos about B-60 if anyone missed:

Disassembling B-60 replica

Damping B-60 replica

And this old video to show how it works @ct0517

Can one of you please tell me how much the Cart VTF - "Vertical Tracking Force" changes.....

from the low range point of the B60 to the high range point ?

Measure your carts VTF at the B60 lowest point, and the B60 highest point .... please.

I am curious

I stated in my previous post I never owned the B60 hence I would like to know the VTF difference.

@ct0517 May i ask why you are concerned about it ? It can be verified with any tonearm, in reality there is a minor difference in VTF if any.